How To Apply For A Credit Card Without Credit History
By John Sanderson
Are you aware that no credit can be just as bad as bad credit?
It seems totally unfair but this is the reality. It's just the
way things work in the world of consumer credit. Lenders are
very leery about lending money to anyone without a history of
being able to repay the debt. They have no way of knowing if
you are a good risk or a bad risk.
So what's someone in this situation to do? You can't get a
rental car, stay in a hotel or shop online without a credit
card. So let's look at a few of the options that can help you
establish credit.
Some of the credit options
Think small. While most of the major credit card companies will
not give you credit without a prior credit history, some smaller
ones such as department stores may give you credit. Another
place to try is the gas station credit cards. Apply for several
gas and department store credit cards. If you are lucky enough
to get one, make sure you use it, but more importantly, make
sure you make your payments timely. Your goal is to establish a
credit history, not run up a huge credit card bill.
Also try and find a credit card company that will look at your
overall financial picture and not focus solely on your credit
history or lack of it. Some may also consider your employment
situation, how often you have moved. If you score well in these
areas they may approve your credit application.
Secured Credit Cards
Secured credit cards are offered by lenders who will give you a
line of credit that either matches, or is slightly higher than,
a cash deposit that you give them to hold. As your experience
with the card grows, these lenders will often raise your limit
without requiring you to increase your deposit. Eventually, you
can use your experience with this lender to apply for cards that
are not secured.
Student Credit Cards
If you are a student, then you'll be best off with a student
credit card. Student credit cards can be a great way of
building the credit history that you will need to depend upon
after graduation. The important thing here is to remember to
use that opportunity wisely. Many banks will issue college
students a credit card, especially banks that are located in
college or university cities and towns.
When the time comes that you finally get your first credit
card, use it, but use it carefully, and most of all, make
certain you pay your bill on time.
About the Author: This article courtesy of
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Credit Card Machines
A Quick Guide To Credit Card Machines
By Jake Atkinson
We’ve come a long way since the first credit card machine was
launched in the market. Today there are different types of
credit card machines, and you can choose the one that is best
suited to your business needs.
The Wireless Credit Card Machine: For a mobile business, a
wireless credit card machine is the best option. The wireless
model is the most advanced credit card processing machine
available today, and also the most expensive one. It is
important to remember, however, that the area where you plan to
use the machine should have sufficient cellular coverage if you
decide to go the wireless route.
Credit Card Terminals That Can Handle Multiple Merchant
Accounts: Your business needs may require you to maintain
separate accounts for separate employees/service providers. For
such businesses, the multiple merchant accounts option is a
sensible one. The most commonly used credit card terminals that
can handle multiple merchant accounts include Nurit 2085, Nurit
3020, Nurit 3010, Nurit 8000, Omni 3750, Omni 3740, and the
Verifone Tranz 380x2.
The Terminal Without An Attached Printer: These machines
(without printers) are commonly used when mail ordering or
phone ordering is involved. When the business is run in a
mobile environment, and the credit card number is called in to
a central location where the number is keyed in, then too,
machines without printers are often used. Also, when your
business is a mobile one (landscaping, plumbing, locksmith),
yet the wireless machine is not feasible for you, then this
option is a very effective one. The printer-less credit card
machines are very cost-effective – prices can range from
$200.00 - $450.00 for a new machine, and $150.00 - $300.00 for
a refurbished unit. The Verifone Tranz 330 and Verifone Tranz
380 are two of the most popular machines in this category.
The Terminal With An Attached Printer: For your retail
business, this machine, which includes an integrated impact or
thermal printer, lets you issue a receipt to the customer at
the time of the sale. Also, in this category you can purchase
machines that have built in pinpads. It makes sense to have
this feature, because it lets you accept debit cards without
purchasing a separate pinpad. Though machines with integrated
printers are slightly more expensive that the credit card
processing machines that don't have attached printers, they are
priced reasonably. The price ranges from around $275 - $900,
depending on the model and features. The most widely used
terminals in this category include the Hypercom T7 Plus, the
Nurit 2085, and the Verifone Omni 3200se. If you are looking
for integrated pinpads in the machine (that let you process
debit cards without purchasing separate pinpads), you can
select from the Nurit 2085 Plus, Nurit 8320, and the Omni
About the Author: Jake Atkinson recommends for more
information on credit card machines.
By Jake Atkinson
We’ve come a long way since the first credit card machine was
launched in the market. Today there are different types of
credit card machines, and you can choose the one that is best
suited to your business needs.
The Wireless Credit Card Machine: For a mobile business, a
wireless credit card machine is the best option. The wireless
model is the most advanced credit card processing machine
available today, and also the most expensive one. It is
important to remember, however, that the area where you plan to
use the machine should have sufficient cellular coverage if you
decide to go the wireless route.
Credit Card Terminals That Can Handle Multiple Merchant
Accounts: Your business needs may require you to maintain
separate accounts for separate employees/service providers. For
such businesses, the multiple merchant accounts option is a
sensible one. The most commonly used credit card terminals that
can handle multiple merchant accounts include Nurit 2085, Nurit
3020, Nurit 3010, Nurit 8000, Omni 3750, Omni 3740, and the
Verifone Tranz 380x2.
The Terminal Without An Attached Printer: These machines
(without printers) are commonly used when mail ordering or
phone ordering is involved. When the business is run in a
mobile environment, and the credit card number is called in to
a central location where the number is keyed in, then too,
machines without printers are often used. Also, when your
business is a mobile one (landscaping, plumbing, locksmith),
yet the wireless machine is not feasible for you, then this
option is a very effective one. The printer-less credit card
machines are very cost-effective – prices can range from
$200.00 - $450.00 for a new machine, and $150.00 - $300.00 for
a refurbished unit. The Verifone Tranz 330 and Verifone Tranz
380 are two of the most popular machines in this category.
The Terminal With An Attached Printer: For your retail
business, this machine, which includes an integrated impact or
thermal printer, lets you issue a receipt to the customer at
the time of the sale. Also, in this category you can purchase
machines that have built in pinpads. It makes sense to have
this feature, because it lets you accept debit cards without
purchasing a separate pinpad. Though machines with integrated
printers are slightly more expensive that the credit card
processing machines that don't have attached printers, they are
priced reasonably. The price ranges from around $275 - $900,
depending on the model and features. The most widely used
terminals in this category include the Hypercom T7 Plus, the
Nurit 2085, and the Verifone Omni 3200se. If you are looking
for integrated pinpads in the machine (that let you process
debit cards without purchasing separate pinpads), you can
select from the Nurit 2085 Plus, Nurit 8320, and the Omni
About the Author: Jake Atkinson recommends for more
information on credit card machines.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Electronic Credit Card Processing
By Thomas Morva
The success of an online business depends on the process of accepting credit card payments. This type of payment permits you to attract both impulsive buyers and casual surfers alike. It also guarantees that you get timely payment.
Electronic credit card processing facilities handle orders directly through the Internet. This is normally a complex deal that needs the coordination of many things such as your website, your consumer?s credit card company, a payment gateway, and an account into which credits are deposited. Electronic card processing is safe and secure, and it provides the best customer service.
Three major types of electronic credit card processing are available. The first type uses a virtual machine that allows manual addition of mail. The second type involves a simple integration technique that links your site directly to the credit card and bank system. The third type uses a means for custom-linking your system to other more complex systems using a transaction gateway server.
Credit cards can be processed either in real-time or in a collective manner (batch processing). Electronic credit card processing generally has excellent real-time processing speed. The business is processed instantly and the consumer knows whether or not his card is accepted. But real-time processing has greater risk of fraud, since anybody can use a stolen card before it is reported stolen. Another disadvantage is that you cannot accept any order when the electronic credit card processor's server fails. Batch processing is ideal for smaller businesses. Here, many credit card transactions are processed jointly at a later time. The risk of fraud is moderately low.
Today, many companies offer fast, reliable and safe electronic credit card processing services. Each will work with almost all major credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.
Credit Card Processing provides detailed information on Credit Card Processing, Online Credit Card Processing, Credit Card Processing Software, Wireless Credit Card Processing and more. Credit Card Processing is affiliated with Wireless Credit Card Terminals.
Article Source:
By Thomas Morva
The success of an online business depends on the process of accepting credit card payments. This type of payment permits you to attract both impulsive buyers and casual surfers alike. It also guarantees that you get timely payment.
Electronic credit card processing facilities handle orders directly through the Internet. This is normally a complex deal that needs the coordination of many things such as your website, your consumer?s credit card company, a payment gateway, and an account into which credits are deposited. Electronic card processing is safe and secure, and it provides the best customer service.
Three major types of electronic credit card processing are available. The first type uses a virtual machine that allows manual addition of mail. The second type involves a simple integration technique that links your site directly to the credit card and bank system. The third type uses a means for custom-linking your system to other more complex systems using a transaction gateway server.
Credit cards can be processed either in real-time or in a collective manner (batch processing). Electronic credit card processing generally has excellent real-time processing speed. The business is processed instantly and the consumer knows whether or not his card is accepted. But real-time processing has greater risk of fraud, since anybody can use a stolen card before it is reported stolen. Another disadvantage is that you cannot accept any order when the electronic credit card processor's server fails. Batch processing is ideal for smaller businesses. Here, many credit card transactions are processed jointly at a later time. The risk of fraud is moderately low.
Today, many companies offer fast, reliable and safe electronic credit card processing services. Each will work with almost all major credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.
Credit Card Processing provides detailed information on Credit Card Processing, Online Credit Card Processing, Credit Card Processing Software, Wireless Credit Card Processing and more. Credit Card Processing is affiliated with Wireless Credit Card Terminals.
Article Source:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing
By Amanda Thompson
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
By Amanda Thompson
The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement.
Credit can be marred at any stage due to a number of reasons. Late payments, inflating debts, bankruptcy, county court judgments, arrears, any court case – all can result in impaired credit. Jaundiced credit report can falter you probability for getting computer financing. Yet the odds are not that diffuse for bad credit computer financing. First of all realize that computer financing for bad credit is not a Gordian knot. Any person with bad credit can find a loan including the one for computer financing. Envision your own position before you make a loan application for bad credit computer financing.
Bad credit has some obvious disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Bad credit is synonymous with greater rate of interest. You can’t escape increasing rate of interest for bad credit computer financing. What you can do is shop for a comparative lower rate of interest. First make your own stand clear with respect to bad credit loan. Before you make your claim as a bad credit loan applicant, check out your credit status. This will canonize your computer financing for bad credit with little or no impediment.
Very few people actually understand the meaning of the terms credit report and credit score. These are integral to bad credit loans inclusive of computer financing. A credit report contains a list of any credit cards you may hold, loans you may have taken out, how much your monthly payments are and any actions taken against you for any unpaid bills you may have accumulated over the years. Before providing you with finance for your computer, the loan lender will probably check your credit activities, to rule out any bad credit details. Credit score will be extracted out of your credit report. Your credit score is not good, that you already know. Otherwise you would not have been reading this article. Knowing your credit score will facilitate the prevention of abuse at the hands of the loan lender. He might take advantage of your ignorance and charge you higher rate than valid in context to bad credit computer financing. Forewarned is forearmed. You have heard that.
Now hear this, it really works.
Another term that directly connects with bad credit is no credit. ‘No credit computer financing’ is not similar to ‘bad credit computer financing’. Bad credit computer financing entails that at least you have installed credit through a bank account or credit card company. In the no credit specimen, no credit you have never owned a credit card or ever inaugurated a bank account. This is altogether an entirely different struggle. Some argue that it is better to have no credit instead of bad credit while contemplating computer financing. But the fact is, in order to establish yourself as a reliable borrower you at least need to have credit. And this can’t be done unless you establish a credit.
The facilities that come with bad credit computer financing are a conscientious recompense. The loan lenders are increasingly being innovative with bad credit computer financing products. Computer financing for bad credit permits you to purchase a computer instrument that comes with a full 2-year replacement warranty on parts and service. Also, all machines come with 1-year toll-free tech support. The loan lenders have notebooks and desktops, so that you can choose the machine you want. AMD powered machines that provide the latest processing speeds are also available as bad credit computer financing options. You can avail the latest software programmes through bad credit computer financing. Bad credit computer financing can release new possibilities for students. Computers are indispensable in relation to education.
All said and done – I must tell you that even the loan lenders realize that sometimes things go wrong and can lead to bad credit situation. Financial setbacks can undoubtedly affect your life unexpectedly. Therefore the essence of finding a bad credit computer financing is finding a loan lender that is ready to work for you. Bad credit computer financing can get you not only a powerful highly sophisticated computer system. Not only that the added ascendancy is the building up of positive payment history.
Your computer has waited in vain for retirement. But what could you do, you yourself were groping due to bad credit. This time oblige him with a well deserved annulment of services. And compliment your own specialization with state of the art computer system. This season reboot your computer system with bad credit computer financing.
Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. She is as cautious about her finances as any person reading this is. She is working as financial consultant for ,To find a Personal loans,Debt consolidation,Bad credit loans,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit
Article Source:
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Credit Car Machines
The "Credit Card Debt Termination" Scam
By Charles Phelan
"Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in
4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of
program that has spread via the Internet over the past few
years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims
are paying up to $3,500 for this bogus service. In this
article, I'll review the principles behind this program and
explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided.
First, let's get our definitions straight. The scheme I'm
describing here should not be confused with Debt Consolidation
or Debt Settlement (also known as Debt Negotiation), both of
which are legitimate and ethical methods for debt resolution.
The easiest way to distinguish the Credit Card Debt Termination
scam from other valid programs is based on the central claim
that you really don't owe any money!
With Debt Consolidation, you pay back all of your debt
balances. With Debt Settlement, you pay back a lower amount
(usually around 50%) while the creditor agrees to forgive the
remaining balance. However, with the bogus Credit Card Debt
Termination program, promoters claim that you won't need to pay
anything at all (except their outrageous fees, naturally). They
make the surprising claim that you can legally wipe away your
debts simply by using their super-duper magic documents. Based
on some legal mumbo-jumbo, the claim is made that you really
didn't borrow any money from your creditors!
In order to understand this scam, a little background is
necessary. Remember the tax protest movement back in the 1970s?
People were claiming that the IRS tax collection system was
unconstitutional, and based on their misinterpretation of the
tax code, they refused to pay taxes. The IRS came down hard on
the tax protest movement, and through the court system, they
blew holes in all the legal arguments put forth by the
protesters. The Credit Card Debt Termination scam is a lot like
the tax protest movement. In fact, among collection
professionals, it's called the "monetary protest movement."
Just like the tax protest movement, there is a common theme
that runs through all of the promotional materials issued by
the monetary protestors. The basic idea is that our Federal
Reserve monetary system and generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) do not permit banks to loan out their own
money. Therefore, according to their interpretation, the credit
card banks are the ones running the scam on the American public.
Stay with me here, because the logic is pretty strange. If a
bank cannot lend its own money, how does a credit card bank
extend credit? The claim here is that your credit card
agreement itself becomes a form of money (known as a promissory
note) the moment you sign it. The idea is that the bank
"deposits" your agreement as an asset on their books, and then
any credit you use is offset as a liability against that asset.
In other words, the core concept here is that you literally
borrowed your own money from the credit card bank.
So let's say your balance with ABC Credit Card Bank is $10,000,
which you borrowed against the card to make everyday purchases.
The scam promoters say all you need to do is notify the bank
that you want your original "deposit" back. However, you will
permit the bank to offset the amount you borrowed against the
amount you have on "deposit." Presto! You don't owe the balance
Now, as you can imagine, the banks don't take kindly to such
tactics. Many of the consumers using this technique are getting
sued by their creditors. But the scammers have more tricks
available, as if the "smoke and mirrors" financial nonsense
wasn't enough. One of their techniques is the use of bogus
"arbitration" forums. Arbitration is of course a legitimate
system that allows businesses and individuals to resolve
disputes without going to court. What do the scammers do? They
coach people on how to set up a fake arbitration forum, for the
express purpose of making a dispute against their creditors!
Naturally, the creditors will not send representatives to some
non-existent arbitration forum, so the consumer gets to
rubber-stamp their own arbitration award. If they get sued in a
regular court, they present their bogus award to the judge in
the hopes that the creditor's lawsuit will be dismissed.
There are other techniques used by promoters of this scheme,
but the key point to remember is the central claim that your
credit card debt does not really exist. Of course, it's all
nonsense based on a misinterpretation of our monetary system,
and if you step back and think about for a minute, the truth
seems pretty obvious. What these scammers are saying is that
the entire $700 billion credit card industry is operating on an
illegal basis! Even if the legal theory used by the promoters
were true (which it isn't), do you think for a moment the
government would allow this giant industry to go under? That's
exactly what would happen if the promoter's claims were proven
true and used on a widespread basis.
The Federal Trade Commission, which has jurisdiction here,
hasn't stomped on these con artists yet, but it's only a matter
of time. Unfortunately, in the meanwhile, consumers are being
bilked out of millions of dollars for a worthless program that
will only get them into deep trouble with their creditors. If
you are approached by someone offering to wipe away your debts
using this system, I strongly recommend you run in the other
direction while you hold on tightly to your wallet or purse.
Remember, you can eliminate your debts if you take a
disciplined approach to your finances, make a budget and stick
to it, and don't use your credit cards unless you can pay off
new balances in full each month.
Good luck in your financial future!
About the Author: Charles J. Phelan has been helping people
become debt-free without bankruptcy since 1997. A former
executive in the debt settlement industry, he teaches the
do-it-yourself method of debt negotiation. Audio-CD material
plus expert personal coaching helps consumers achieve
professional results at a fraction of the cost.
By Charles Phelan
"Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in
4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of
program that has spread via the Internet over the past few
years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims
are paying up to $3,500 for this bogus service. In this
article, I'll review the principles behind this program and
explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided.
First, let's get our definitions straight. The scheme I'm
describing here should not be confused with Debt Consolidation
or Debt Settlement (also known as Debt Negotiation), both of
which are legitimate and ethical methods for debt resolution.
The easiest way to distinguish the Credit Card Debt Termination
scam from other valid programs is based on the central claim
that you really don't owe any money!
With Debt Consolidation, you pay back all of your debt
balances. With Debt Settlement, you pay back a lower amount
(usually around 50%) while the creditor agrees to forgive the
remaining balance. However, with the bogus Credit Card Debt
Termination program, promoters claim that you won't need to pay
anything at all (except their outrageous fees, naturally). They
make the surprising claim that you can legally wipe away your
debts simply by using their super-duper magic documents. Based
on some legal mumbo-jumbo, the claim is made that you really
didn't borrow any money from your creditors!
In order to understand this scam, a little background is
necessary. Remember the tax protest movement back in the 1970s?
People were claiming that the IRS tax collection system was
unconstitutional, and based on their misinterpretation of the
tax code, they refused to pay taxes. The IRS came down hard on
the tax protest movement, and through the court system, they
blew holes in all the legal arguments put forth by the
protesters. The Credit Card Debt Termination scam is a lot like
the tax protest movement. In fact, among collection
professionals, it's called the "monetary protest movement."
Just like the tax protest movement, there is a common theme
that runs through all of the promotional materials issued by
the monetary protestors. The basic idea is that our Federal
Reserve monetary system and generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) do not permit banks to loan out their own
money. Therefore, according to their interpretation, the credit
card banks are the ones running the scam on the American public.
Stay with me here, because the logic is pretty strange. If a
bank cannot lend its own money, how does a credit card bank
extend credit? The claim here is that your credit card
agreement itself becomes a form of money (known as a promissory
note) the moment you sign it. The idea is that the bank
"deposits" your agreement as an asset on their books, and then
any credit you use is offset as a liability against that asset.
In other words, the core concept here is that you literally
borrowed your own money from the credit card bank.
So let's say your balance with ABC Credit Card Bank is $10,000,
which you borrowed against the card to make everyday purchases.
The scam promoters say all you need to do is notify the bank
that you want your original "deposit" back. However, you will
permit the bank to offset the amount you borrowed against the
amount you have on "deposit." Presto! You don't owe the balance
Now, as you can imagine, the banks don't take kindly to such
tactics. Many of the consumers using this technique are getting
sued by their creditors. But the scammers have more tricks
available, as if the "smoke and mirrors" financial nonsense
wasn't enough. One of their techniques is the use of bogus
"arbitration" forums. Arbitration is of course a legitimate
system that allows businesses and individuals to resolve
disputes without going to court. What do the scammers do? They
coach people on how to set up a fake arbitration forum, for the
express purpose of making a dispute against their creditors!
Naturally, the creditors will not send representatives to some
non-existent arbitration forum, so the consumer gets to
rubber-stamp their own arbitration award. If they get sued in a
regular court, they present their bogus award to the judge in
the hopes that the creditor's lawsuit will be dismissed.
There are other techniques used by promoters of this scheme,
but the key point to remember is the central claim that your
credit card debt does not really exist. Of course, it's all
nonsense based on a misinterpretation of our monetary system,
and if you step back and think about for a minute, the truth
seems pretty obvious. What these scammers are saying is that
the entire $700 billion credit card industry is operating on an
illegal basis! Even if the legal theory used by the promoters
were true (which it isn't), do you think for a moment the
government would allow this giant industry to go under? That's
exactly what would happen if the promoter's claims were proven
true and used on a widespread basis.
The Federal Trade Commission, which has jurisdiction here,
hasn't stomped on these con artists yet, but it's only a matter
of time. Unfortunately, in the meanwhile, consumers are being
bilked out of millions of dollars for a worthless program that
will only get them into deep trouble with their creditors. If
you are approached by someone offering to wipe away your debts
using this system, I strongly recommend you run in the other
direction while you hold on tightly to your wallet or purse.
Remember, you can eliminate your debts if you take a
disciplined approach to your finances, make a budget and stick
to it, and don't use your credit cards unless you can pay off
new balances in full each month.
Good luck in your financial future!
About the Author: Charles J. Phelan has been helping people
become debt-free without bankruptcy since 1997. A former
executive in the debt settlement industry, he teaches the
do-it-yourself method of debt negotiation. Audio-CD material
plus expert personal coaching helps consumers achieve
professional results at a fraction of the cost.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Credit Card Machine Buying Tips
By John Morris
The credit card is preferred by most people when paying for purchases and services because of its safety, security and ease of use. The use of credit cards is growing exponentially fueled by the growth of e-commerce and the increasing usage of credit cards in business-to-business transactions. Accepting credit cards in a business has many advantages. Not only will it help expand your consumer base, it will also provide an easier and more convenient alternative to paying by cash or check. When you accept credit cards, funds can be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. If you are planning to sell online, accepting credit cards is a necessity.
Credit card processing equipments essential to any business, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. In whatever business, the exploding use of credit cards and debit cards necessitates an investment on a reliable and secure credit card machine. There are a number of companies you can consider when shopping for a credit card processor such as banks, third party credit card processors, independent sales organizations, financial service providers and associations. Inquire about credit card processing equipment and make an informed choice when you decide to purchase.
I. Pervasive Technology
Credit card machines are being used extensively in almost every store and restaurant. These equipments are of great help to businesses as they process credit cards efficiently and securely. There is a huge variety of credit card processing equipment available in the market today and picking the right one appropriate for your business can be a challenge. If you are in the market for a credit card processing equipment, there are some simple tips you can follow to help you find the perfect credit card machine that will serve your intended purpose excellently. With the plethora of credit card machine options available, you might find it hard to decide on what credit card machine to buy. Here’s a simple guide to buying a credit card machine.
II. Buying Advice:
1. Buy, Don't Lease
Credit card machines are not really that costly, usually at the $100-$1000 price range. Consider a credit card machine as a worthwhile investment in your business. Although, there are credit card machine leases available from some merchant account providers. Leasing a credit card terminal may cost you much more in the long run than buying your own unit.
2. Get Battery Backup
Be prepared for any eventuality. In case your store or business establishment experiences a power interruption, you would still want to be able to process customer transactions. Buy a credit card machine with a reliable backup battery to ensure that you can continue to do business even when you lose electrical power.
3. Purchase A Credit Card Machine With A Fast Modem
Credit cards are supposed to make transactions faster and more convenient. Thus, a fast modem that can send data and authorize transactions quickly is a top requirement in a credit card machine. You might shell out more for a credit card machine with a 9600-baud modem, but it is worth the money and our customers will definitely appreciate it too.
4. Ensure It Can Handle Smart Cards
Smart cards are becoming increasingly popular and are considered the future of credit cards. Smart cards include credit, debit, and other information in a card with a microchip in it instead of a magnetic stripe.
5. Flash Memory Is Recommended
For better functionality, choose a credit card machine that use flash memory to store the operating software. This will allow for convenient software downloads and installation and increase the longevity of the equipment.
6. Ensure It Can Handle Debit Transactions
Some customers might prefer paying by debit. For this purpose, you will need a credit card machine with a built-in PIN keypad. You can also consider a separate PIN keypad which your customers can access easily while keeping the credit card processing equipment out of reach.
7. Get An Imprinter As A Backup
This could prove useful in case your store or business establishment loses power or phone service. You can still continue to do business even if you are in the field processing customer transactions.
For more great credit card machine related articles and resources check out
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By John Morris
The credit card is preferred by most people when paying for purchases and services because of its safety, security and ease of use. The use of credit cards is growing exponentially fueled by the growth of e-commerce and the increasing usage of credit cards in business-to-business transactions. Accepting credit cards in a business has many advantages. Not only will it help expand your consumer base, it will also provide an easier and more convenient alternative to paying by cash or check. When you accept credit cards, funds can be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. If you are planning to sell online, accepting credit cards is a necessity.
Credit card processing equipments essential to any business, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. In whatever business, the exploding use of credit cards and debit cards necessitates an investment on a reliable and secure credit card machine. There are a number of companies you can consider when shopping for a credit card processor such as banks, third party credit card processors, independent sales organizations, financial service providers and associations. Inquire about credit card processing equipment and make an informed choice when you decide to purchase.
I. Pervasive Technology
Credit card machines are being used extensively in almost every store and restaurant. These equipments are of great help to businesses as they process credit cards efficiently and securely. There is a huge variety of credit card processing equipment available in the market today and picking the right one appropriate for your business can be a challenge. If you are in the market for a credit card processing equipment, there are some simple tips you can follow to help you find the perfect credit card machine that will serve your intended purpose excellently. With the plethora of credit card machine options available, you might find it hard to decide on what credit card machine to buy. Here’s a simple guide to buying a credit card machine.
II. Buying Advice:
1. Buy, Don't Lease
Credit card machines are not really that costly, usually at the $100-$1000 price range. Consider a credit card machine as a worthwhile investment in your business. Although, there are credit card machine leases available from some merchant account providers. Leasing a credit card terminal may cost you much more in the long run than buying your own unit.
2. Get Battery Backup
Be prepared for any eventuality. In case your store or business establishment experiences a power interruption, you would still want to be able to process customer transactions. Buy a credit card machine with a reliable backup battery to ensure that you can continue to do business even when you lose electrical power.
3. Purchase A Credit Card Machine With A Fast Modem
Credit cards are supposed to make transactions faster and more convenient. Thus, a fast modem that can send data and authorize transactions quickly is a top requirement in a credit card machine. You might shell out more for a credit card machine with a 9600-baud modem, but it is worth the money and our customers will definitely appreciate it too.
4. Ensure It Can Handle Smart Cards
Smart cards are becoming increasingly popular and are considered the future of credit cards. Smart cards include credit, debit, and other information in a card with a microchip in it instead of a magnetic stripe.
5. Flash Memory Is Recommended
For better functionality, choose a credit card machine that use flash memory to store the operating software. This will allow for convenient software downloads and installation and increase the longevity of the equipment.
6. Ensure It Can Handle Debit Transactions
Some customers might prefer paying by debit. For this purpose, you will need a credit card machine with a built-in PIN keypad. You can also consider a separate PIN keypad which your customers can access easily while keeping the credit card processing equipment out of reach.
7. Get An Imprinter As A Backup
This could prove useful in case your store or business establishment loses power or phone service. You can still continue to do business even if you are in the field processing customer transactions.
For more great credit card machine related articles and resources check out
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Steps to Getting an Online Merchant Account
By Chris Rempel
For all those who have recently begun a business, the words merchant account, merchant account provider, credit card machine, online payment processing, etc will pop up sooner or later. The Internet is brimming with advice on this subject and you are certain to see the comparison between merchant accounts and other payment methods.
This article will explain the basics of what's truly involved in taking credit cards and the required steps to getting a merchant account - online, offline or otherwise...
What is an Online Merchant Account?
A merchant account is an account obtained from a reputable financial institution like a bank through which you are allowed to accept credit card payments.
The merchant account can also be acquired from specialized financial institutions called "merchant account providers". These financial institutions work with banks to supply unique features that would not be available otherwise.
As soon as you are able to accept payments via credit card, you will see an instant increase in sales, simply because there is now a more expedient payment option for your clients. Since many customer these days prefer to pay with plastic, sales transactions are quicker, and there's decreased risk and less "work" in terms of parting customers and their money.
There are various advantages that can greatly increase your profits once you open your own merchant account: (i) customers will impulse buy more readily, (ii) real time transaction processing, (iii) the resulting flexibility attracts additional customers to finish sales without holdup, and so on. Shortly, you will discover that your business profits (and word of mouth marketing) will will begin improving - simply by being able to accept credit cards - and service more clients...
To set up a merchant account, some things need to take place: The bank or financial institution will conduct a basic investigation into your business' credentials. They will look into your credit history, your business plan, your organization's financial stability (whether you can pay the fees - fixed and per transaction - imposed by the merchant account, etc). After the bank and/or financial institution is confident that the business is able to sustain a merchant account, they will establish the ability of your company to take payments by credit card.
This is the reason any company who owns a merchant account is more trustworthy to a customer. It is well known by consumers that the company who has a merchant account has undergone the rudimentary inspections required by a bank or financial institution and were deemed acceptable. It's similar to having a "stamp of approval", other than the fact that it simplifies the sale on various levels.
You need to be conscious that the majority of merchant accounts require minimum monthly fees to be paid that will be charged regardless of whether you process sales or not that generated fees that month. It's advisable to analyze the fees and features of several merchant accounts providers prior to deciding which one you will choose. And no matter what you do, be certain to read all of the terms and conditions of each potential merchant provider prior to signing on the dotted line...
Another benefit that comes with a merchant account is a comprehensive monthly statement of transactions. This statement will provide you with the credit card number of your customers. This will make it simple for you to match charge-backs or returns, and it will give you precise monthly and yearly sales figures and reports. (Hopefully, you won't be getting any charge-backs...)
Other than the fact that - assisted by the right merchant account - you are able to obtain superior service at the lowest possible costs (the profits skyrocket after your sales volume increases), you can also simplify and automate your company when you're selling online.
And that's what's called working smarter, not "harder". Being able to accept credit cards - and knowing the steps to getting a merchant account - makes it so much easier to see a real level of success with your business...
Chris Rempel, marketing director of Accept by Phone, recently started a "Lens" on the Squidoo Network about merchant account credit card processing.
Check it out here: Merchant Account Credit Card Processing
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By Chris Rempel
For all those who have recently begun a business, the words merchant account, merchant account provider, credit card machine, online payment processing, etc will pop up sooner or later. The Internet is brimming with advice on this subject and you are certain to see the comparison between merchant accounts and other payment methods.
This article will explain the basics of what's truly involved in taking credit cards and the required steps to getting a merchant account - online, offline or otherwise...
What is an Online Merchant Account?
A merchant account is an account obtained from a reputable financial institution like a bank through which you are allowed to accept credit card payments.
The merchant account can also be acquired from specialized financial institutions called "merchant account providers". These financial institutions work with banks to supply unique features that would not be available otherwise.
As soon as you are able to accept payments via credit card, you will see an instant increase in sales, simply because there is now a more expedient payment option for your clients. Since many customer these days prefer to pay with plastic, sales transactions are quicker, and there's decreased risk and less "work" in terms of parting customers and their money.
There are various advantages that can greatly increase your profits once you open your own merchant account: (i) customers will impulse buy more readily, (ii) real time transaction processing, (iii) the resulting flexibility attracts additional customers to finish sales without holdup, and so on. Shortly, you will discover that your business profits (and word of mouth marketing) will will begin improving - simply by being able to accept credit cards - and service more clients...
To set up a merchant account, some things need to take place: The bank or financial institution will conduct a basic investigation into your business' credentials. They will look into your credit history, your business plan, your organization's financial stability (whether you can pay the fees - fixed and per transaction - imposed by the merchant account, etc). After the bank and/or financial institution is confident that the business is able to sustain a merchant account, they will establish the ability of your company to take payments by credit card.
This is the reason any company who owns a merchant account is more trustworthy to a customer. It is well known by consumers that the company who has a merchant account has undergone the rudimentary inspections required by a bank or financial institution and were deemed acceptable. It's similar to having a "stamp of approval", other than the fact that it simplifies the sale on various levels.
You need to be conscious that the majority of merchant accounts require minimum monthly fees to be paid that will be charged regardless of whether you process sales or not that generated fees that month. It's advisable to analyze the fees and features of several merchant accounts providers prior to deciding which one you will choose. And no matter what you do, be certain to read all of the terms and conditions of each potential merchant provider prior to signing on the dotted line...
Another benefit that comes with a merchant account is a comprehensive monthly statement of transactions. This statement will provide you with the credit card number of your customers. This will make it simple for you to match charge-backs or returns, and it will give you precise monthly and yearly sales figures and reports. (Hopefully, you won't be getting any charge-backs...)
Other than the fact that - assisted by the right merchant account - you are able to obtain superior service at the lowest possible costs (the profits skyrocket after your sales volume increases), you can also simplify and automate your company when you're selling online.
And that's what's called working smarter, not "harder". Being able to accept credit cards - and knowing the steps to getting a merchant account - makes it so much easier to see a real level of success with your business...
Chris Rempel, marketing director of Accept by Phone, recently started a "Lens" on the Squidoo Network about merchant account credit card processing.
Check it out here: Merchant Account Credit Card Processing
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Credit Card Skimming
By Michael Russell
Credit card skimming is an international problem accounting for losses of over one-billion dollars a year. This type of credit card scam is common in Europe, Asia and Latin America and is starting to show up more in the United States.
This scam is easy to run - it can happen when you give your credit card to a store employee to make a purchase. That employee may not only swipe your card for payment, but also swipe the card with a small machine they hold in their hand known as a skimmer. This small device will store the information from your card into its system. The skimmer is equipped to hold information on hundreds of credit cards and from this information, the crooks are able to produce counterfeit cards.
There are skimming rings working all over the world and once your information is put into the skimmer, it is then downloaded into a computer, ready to be emailed to anyone worldwide.
A decade ago, this fraud was not as easy to accomplish as it is today, due to the fact skimmers were very large and had to be hidden under counters. However, with the advance of technology in the past ten years, they have been able to streamline the skimmer, making it small enough to be hand-held and out of sight of the unwary customer making a purchase. These skimmers are easy to buy; in fact, they can be purchased over the internet at around $300. The machine needed to make counterfeit credit cards is a much larger investment - costing $5,000 to $10,000.
Another form of this scam is done by actually pulling information directly from the credit card terminals. A skimmer bug is placed into the terminal and later retrieved with credit card information on it. Only the older terminals can be violated in this way and with the onset of new credit card terminals, this has alleviated much of this bugging.
As soon as the crooks have their needed information on you, they will start their shopping sprees using your credit card number. They purchase all types of merchandise and charge it to your credit card. Over half of credit card fraud is done over the internet with online purchases. With shopping on the internet becoming more and more popular, card fraud on the internet has also increased.
The crooks will also use the internet to verify the card information is valid. They will purchase many low-ticket items through various websites, checking to see if the card is active. Internet processing of card purchases is done by real-time processing and not handled by a person; thus, no chance of them being caught trying to use a stolen card number.
The cardholder is a victim of this crime and is responsible for up to $50 of the total amount charged on his card, while the real victim in all of this is the merchant whose employee did the skimming. The merchant is held 100% responsible and risks losing the merchandise, and is responsible for paying the fees of the investigation. Investigation fees paid by consumers and businesses in 2003 amounted to an estimated half-billion dollars in annual revenue for credit card companies. This money is used by the card companies to offset costs to investigate charge back claims by their customers.
The crook who perpetrates this card fraud, for the most part, goes unpunished. There is a limit of $2,000 before a criminal investigation can be started; the crooks know this and will not exceed $2,000 on their purchases from any one business. Thus, they are pretty much free to continue to victimize consumers and businesses.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Credit Cards
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By Michael Russell
Credit card skimming is an international problem accounting for losses of over one-billion dollars a year. This type of credit card scam is common in Europe, Asia and Latin America and is starting to show up more in the United States.
This scam is easy to run - it can happen when you give your credit card to a store employee to make a purchase. That employee may not only swipe your card for payment, but also swipe the card with a small machine they hold in their hand known as a skimmer. This small device will store the information from your card into its system. The skimmer is equipped to hold information on hundreds of credit cards and from this information, the crooks are able to produce counterfeit cards.
There are skimming rings working all over the world and once your information is put into the skimmer, it is then downloaded into a computer, ready to be emailed to anyone worldwide.
A decade ago, this fraud was not as easy to accomplish as it is today, due to the fact skimmers were very large and had to be hidden under counters. However, with the advance of technology in the past ten years, they have been able to streamline the skimmer, making it small enough to be hand-held and out of sight of the unwary customer making a purchase. These skimmers are easy to buy; in fact, they can be purchased over the internet at around $300. The machine needed to make counterfeit credit cards is a much larger investment - costing $5,000 to $10,000.
Another form of this scam is done by actually pulling information directly from the credit card terminals. A skimmer bug is placed into the terminal and later retrieved with credit card information on it. Only the older terminals can be violated in this way and with the onset of new credit card terminals, this has alleviated much of this bugging.
As soon as the crooks have their needed information on you, they will start their shopping sprees using your credit card number. They purchase all types of merchandise and charge it to your credit card. Over half of credit card fraud is done over the internet with online purchases. With shopping on the internet becoming more and more popular, card fraud on the internet has also increased.
The crooks will also use the internet to verify the card information is valid. They will purchase many low-ticket items through various websites, checking to see if the card is active. Internet processing of card purchases is done by real-time processing and not handled by a person; thus, no chance of them being caught trying to use a stolen card number.
The cardholder is a victim of this crime and is responsible for up to $50 of the total amount charged on his card, while the real victim in all of this is the merchant whose employee did the skimming. The merchant is held 100% responsible and risks losing the merchandise, and is responsible for paying the fees of the investigation. Investigation fees paid by consumers and businesses in 2003 amounted to an estimated half-billion dollars in annual revenue for credit card companies. This money is used by the card companies to offset costs to investigate charge back claims by their customers.
The crook who perpetrates this card fraud, for the most part, goes unpunished. There is a limit of $2,000 before a criminal investigation can be started; the crooks know this and will not exceed $2,000 on their purchases from any one business. Thus, they are pretty much free to continue to victimize consumers and businesses.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Credit Cards
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Selecting Small Business Phone Systems
By Ocha Nix
With the many different small business phone systems, manufacturers and dealers, it can be a daunting task for small business owners to select the right small business phone system to suit their growing business.
There are a few things that should be considered when selecting small business phone systems to insure you get the right one for you.
First, get a head count of all the employees that will need an outside line. How many of the employees will need to have access to the small business phone system. You also need to add the number of lines you will need for the fax machines, credit card terminals and modems. These all play a part in selecting small business phone systems. If there are less than 10 employees, you should consider an off the shelf small business phone system which will result in considerable savings. When selecting small business phone systems for a staff of more than 40, you may consider the PBX small business phone system. These are now small enough to fit on a desk top.
Next when selecting small business phone systems, you need to forecast your business needs for the future. Determine where your business will be in 3 to 5 years from now. Selecting small business phone systems with this in mind can save lots of headaches and money if you don’t have to upgrade sooner than you expect. Another consideration when selecting small business phone systems, many installers and dealers suggest, double the wiring needed to be prepared for future expansions.
Maybe Voice over IP should also be considered when selecting small business phone systems. This technology allows businesses to place and receive calls using the Internet, which offers potential cost savings.
As you are reviewing small business phone systems for your business, you may want to consider buying second hand phone systems or posibily renting. Many companies change small business phone systems for lots of reasons other than being outdated. There are dealers that specialize in selling refurbished small business phone systems and related equipment.
Another consideration when selecting small business phone systems, is to buy at the end of a quarter. Many sales people are needing to hit their quotas and you can often times get a substantial discount on a new small business phone system.
Lastly, when selecting a small business phone system, consider the dealer and pick one with an outstanding reputation not only for the sale, but for maintenance, and service of your new small business phone system. Be sure, as you are selecting small business phone systems, that the one you choose is compatible with your requirements and the dealer has extensive knowledge of your new small business phone system.
Ocha has been in sales and sales management for over 24 years. He is currently in marketing and support in the distribution industry.
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By Ocha Nix
With the many different small business phone systems, manufacturers and dealers, it can be a daunting task for small business owners to select the right small business phone system to suit their growing business.
There are a few things that should be considered when selecting small business phone systems to insure you get the right one for you.
First, get a head count of all the employees that will need an outside line. How many of the employees will need to have access to the small business phone system. You also need to add the number of lines you will need for the fax machines, credit card terminals and modems. These all play a part in selecting small business phone systems. If there are less than 10 employees, you should consider an off the shelf small business phone system which will result in considerable savings. When selecting small business phone systems for a staff of more than 40, you may consider the PBX small business phone system. These are now small enough to fit on a desk top.
Next when selecting small business phone systems, you need to forecast your business needs for the future. Determine where your business will be in 3 to 5 years from now. Selecting small business phone systems with this in mind can save lots of headaches and money if you don’t have to upgrade sooner than you expect. Another consideration when selecting small business phone systems, many installers and dealers suggest, double the wiring needed to be prepared for future expansions.
Maybe Voice over IP should also be considered when selecting small business phone systems. This technology allows businesses to place and receive calls using the Internet, which offers potential cost savings.
As you are reviewing small business phone systems for your business, you may want to consider buying second hand phone systems or posibily renting. Many companies change small business phone systems for lots of reasons other than being outdated. There are dealers that specialize in selling refurbished small business phone systems and related equipment.
Another consideration when selecting small business phone systems, is to buy at the end of a quarter. Many sales people are needing to hit their quotas and you can often times get a substantial discount on a new small business phone system.
Lastly, when selecting a small business phone system, consider the dealer and pick one with an outstanding reputation not only for the sale, but for maintenance, and service of your new small business phone system. Be sure, as you are selecting small business phone systems, that the one you choose is compatible with your requirements and the dealer has extensive knowledge of your new small business phone system.
Ocha has been in sales and sales management for over 24 years. He is currently in marketing and support in the distribution industry.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Credit Cards Abroad – How To Save On Charges
By Joseph Kenny
One of the huge advantages of credit cards, and one of the many reasons they continue to grow in popularity, is the easy access they offer when travelling abroad. Not only can they be used with ease to book hotels or pay for car rentals, but they can also be used at cash machines around the world for instant and safe access to local currencies. They are also far safer than carrying cash, which can be stolen no matter where in the world you are travelling, and more convenient than travellers cheques which can often be difficult or time consuming to cash.
However, with this added convenience comes extra costs. When you use your credit card to make purchases in foreign countries you will be charged currency conversion fees and sometimes also, a loading fee by your credit card provider. This means that there can be two sets of charges added to every purchase you make while abroad. It can be frustrating to get home and find that along with each transaction there is a conversion fee of a couple of pounds and another loading fee also of a few pounds. While it is possible to get cards that have lower fees for foreign currency transactions, it is difficult to avoid these charges completely. Most people put up with them because of the sheer convenience of using the card but there are ways to avoid them.
One way is to take out cash from a cash machine with your credit card. The main disadvantage of this is that you will be charged interest on cash advances immediately, and are not allowed the usual interest free period which lasts until your next bill. However, if your alternative is to make lots of small purchases, with each one incurring its own separate charges, you may be better off taking this once off fee, then lots of smaller ones.
If you are organised enough, you can pay extra money onto your credit card before you leave, so that you will in effect have paid off the cash advance before you take it out, and thus avoid paying interest on it. Another option, if you have money in your bank account and an internationally recognised debit card, such as maestro, is to take out cash on your debit card. While this will incur some foreign charges, at least you will not have to pay any interest on the cash.
At the end of the day, for many people, being able to rely on using their credit cards abroad is a god send and the fees are a reasonable price for the convenience and security afforded.
Joe Kenny writes for the Credit Card Guide, offering the latest 0% credit cards, visit today for introductory balance transfers and start clearing credit card debt today.
Visit today:
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By Joseph Kenny
One of the huge advantages of credit cards, and one of the many reasons they continue to grow in popularity, is the easy access they offer when travelling abroad. Not only can they be used with ease to book hotels or pay for car rentals, but they can also be used at cash machines around the world for instant and safe access to local currencies. They are also far safer than carrying cash, which can be stolen no matter where in the world you are travelling, and more convenient than travellers cheques which can often be difficult or time consuming to cash.
However, with this added convenience comes extra costs. When you use your credit card to make purchases in foreign countries you will be charged currency conversion fees and sometimes also, a loading fee by your credit card provider. This means that there can be two sets of charges added to every purchase you make while abroad. It can be frustrating to get home and find that along with each transaction there is a conversion fee of a couple of pounds and another loading fee also of a few pounds. While it is possible to get cards that have lower fees for foreign currency transactions, it is difficult to avoid these charges completely. Most people put up with them because of the sheer convenience of using the card but there are ways to avoid them.
One way is to take out cash from a cash machine with your credit card. The main disadvantage of this is that you will be charged interest on cash advances immediately, and are not allowed the usual interest free period which lasts until your next bill. However, if your alternative is to make lots of small purchases, with each one incurring its own separate charges, you may be better off taking this once off fee, then lots of smaller ones.
If you are organised enough, you can pay extra money onto your credit card before you leave, so that you will in effect have paid off the cash advance before you take it out, and thus avoid paying interest on it. Another option, if you have money in your bank account and an internationally recognised debit card, such as maestro, is to take out cash on your debit card. While this will incur some foreign charges, at least you will not have to pay any interest on the cash.
At the end of the day, for many people, being able to rely on using their credit cards abroad is a god send and the fees are a reasonable price for the convenience and security afforded.
Joe Kenny writes for the Credit Card Guide, offering the latest 0% credit cards, visit today for introductory balance transfers and start clearing credit card debt today.
Visit today:
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Turn Your Website Into An E-Commerce Ready, Money Making Machine
By Jim Hart
If you are setting up a website or contemplating doing so to sell products or services, you will need to be able to accept all major credit cards to maximize your selling ability and chances for success. The monthly merchant fees associated with accepting credit cards can be costly whether you make sales or not, when using a bank for your merchant account/credit card processor. If you have ever filed bankruptcy or have bad credit, getting a merchant account with a bank is nearly impossible. So what do you do?
The answer is simple: get Pay Pal merchant account. Pay Pal is by far the most widely recognized online processor for e-commerce transactions and is the primary processor for Ebay sales. While there are other online credit processors like Click Bank and others, Pay Pal overshadows them all.
The nice thing about Pay Pal is the sheer volume of people that have Pay pal accounts set up for Ebay who do cruise and shop the Internet. Pay pal, while not flawless, uses 128 but encryption offering the highest level of online security for both buyers and sellers. The seamless integration of the pay pal e-commerce function allows people to conduct transactions over a secure server right at your site without leaving. A number of automated tools provide for redirection anywhere you want the customer to go on your site after they complete their purchase. It is simply the fastest and easiest way to get your e-commerce site up and running quickly and easily.
We chose Pay Pal for our site because it was the most cost affordable solution to accepting payments from our customers with the highest level of security for both them and us. After comparing the cost of a traditional merchant account with a bank including monthly fees, activity fees, transaction fees, terminal fees, online fees, etc, it was a no-brainer to go with Pay Pal. Why? Well, the service is as good, if not better and there is NO cost UNTIL a purchase is completed—and then the transaction fee is like 2.5% or so of the transaction which is a really affordable and easy solution to a complicated problem for some.
If you are interested in seeing how the Pay Pal system functions, you can visit our site by clicking the link below, go to the product page and click on any BUY NOW button shown. You don’t have to complete the purchase but it will give you a good demonstration of the seamless quality of Pay Pal. Keep in mind that I am neither trying to hump product and I do not have any affiliation with Pay Pal. I am simply passing our experience with the system to you.
Another thing new webmasters should consider is that making online sales is tough unless you are doing a substantial amount of advertising and marketing to drive traffic to your website. It makes no sense whatsoever to pay monthly fees to a bank until your site traffic and sales justify doing so and even then, the need for a bank is questionable. If you are moving say, 1000 units a month, then you may want to consider a bank for volumes of transactions and record keeping, auditing, etc. If not, Pay Pal is the answer. Screw the banks—they are doing nothing more than Pay Pal is and it requires a whole lot more site engineering to install their e-commerce function on your site.
To your unwavering success!
Copyright © 2006 James W. Hart, IV All Rights Reserved
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By Jim Hart
If you are setting up a website or contemplating doing so to sell products or services, you will need to be able to accept all major credit cards to maximize your selling ability and chances for success. The monthly merchant fees associated with accepting credit cards can be costly whether you make sales or not, when using a bank for your merchant account/credit card processor. If you have ever filed bankruptcy or have bad credit, getting a merchant account with a bank is nearly impossible. So what do you do?
The answer is simple: get Pay Pal merchant account. Pay Pal is by far the most widely recognized online processor for e-commerce transactions and is the primary processor for Ebay sales. While there are other online credit processors like Click Bank and others, Pay Pal overshadows them all.
The nice thing about Pay Pal is the sheer volume of people that have Pay pal accounts set up for Ebay who do cruise and shop the Internet. Pay pal, while not flawless, uses 128 but encryption offering the highest level of online security for both buyers and sellers. The seamless integration of the pay pal e-commerce function allows people to conduct transactions over a secure server right at your site without leaving. A number of automated tools provide for redirection anywhere you want the customer to go on your site after they complete their purchase. It is simply the fastest and easiest way to get your e-commerce site up and running quickly and easily.
We chose Pay Pal for our site because it was the most cost affordable solution to accepting payments from our customers with the highest level of security for both them and us. After comparing the cost of a traditional merchant account with a bank including monthly fees, activity fees, transaction fees, terminal fees, online fees, etc, it was a no-brainer to go with Pay Pal. Why? Well, the service is as good, if not better and there is NO cost UNTIL a purchase is completed—and then the transaction fee is like 2.5% or so of the transaction which is a really affordable and easy solution to a complicated problem for some.
If you are interested in seeing how the Pay Pal system functions, you can visit our site by clicking the link below, go to the product page and click on any BUY NOW button shown. You don’t have to complete the purchase but it will give you a good demonstration of the seamless quality of Pay Pal. Keep in mind that I am neither trying to hump product and I do not have any affiliation with Pay Pal. I am simply passing our experience with the system to you.
Another thing new webmasters should consider is that making online sales is tough unless you are doing a substantial amount of advertising and marketing to drive traffic to your website. It makes no sense whatsoever to pay monthly fees to a bank until your site traffic and sales justify doing so and even then, the need for a bank is questionable. If you are moving say, 1000 units a month, then you may want to consider a bank for volumes of transactions and record keeping, auditing, etc. If not, Pay Pal is the answer. Screw the banks—they are doing nothing more than Pay Pal is and it requires a whole lot more site engineering to install their e-commerce function on your site.
To your unwavering success!
Copyright © 2006 James W. Hart, IV All Rights Reserved
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Article Source:,-Money-Making-Machine&id=347323
Monday, April 9, 2007
Credit Card Machines
Credit Card Machine Buying Tips
By John Morris
The credit card is preferred by most people when paying for purchases and services because of its safety, security and ease of use. The use of credit cards is growing exponentially fueled by the growth of e-commerce and the increasing usage of credit cards in business-to-business transactions. Accepting credit cards in a business has many advantages. Not only will it help expand your consumer base, it will also provide an easier and more convenient alternative to paying by cash or check. When you accept credit cards, funds can be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. If you are planning to sell online, accepting credit cards is a necessity.
Credit card processing equipments essential to any business, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. In whatever business, the exploding use of credit cards and debit cards necessitates an investment on a reliable and secure credit card machine. There are a number of companies you can consider when shopping for a credit card processor such as banks, third party credit card processors, independent sales organizations, financial service providers and associations. Inquire about credit card processing equipment and make an informed choice when you decide to purchase.
I. Pervasive Technology
Credit card machines are being used extensively in almost every store and restaurant. These equipments are of great help to businesses as they process credit cards efficiently and securely. There is a huge variety of credit card processing equipment available in the market today and picking the right one appropriate for your business can be a challenge. If you are in the market for a credit card processing equipment, there are some simple tips you can follow to help you find the perfect credit card machine that will serve your intended purpose excellently. With the plethora of credit card machine options available, you might find it hard to decide on what credit card machine to buy. Here’s a simple guide to buying a credit card machine.
II. Buying Advice:
1. Buy, Don't Lease
Credit card machines are not really that costly, usually at the $100-$1000 price range. Consider a credit card machine as a worthwhile investment in your business. Although, there are credit card machine leases available from some merchant account providers. Leasing a credit card terminal may cost you much more in the long run than buying your own unit.
2. Get Battery Backup
Be prepared for any eventuality. In case your store or business establishment experiences a power interruption, you would still want to be able to process customer transactions. Buy a credit card machine with a reliable backup battery to ensure that you can continue to do business even when you lose electrical power.
3. Purchase A Credit Card Machine With A Fast Modem
Credit cards are supposed to make transactions faster and more convenient. Thus, a fast modem that can send data and authorize transactions quickly is a top requirement in a credit card machine. You might shell out more for a credit card machine with a 9600-baud modem, but it is worth the money and our customers will definitely appreciate it too.
4. Ensure It Can Handle Smart Cards
Smart cards are becoming increasingly popular and are considered the future of credit cards. Smart cards include credit, debit, and other information in a card with a microchip in it instead of a magnetic stripe.
5. Flash Memory Is Recommended
For better functionality, choose a credit card machine that use flash memory to store the operating software. This will allow for convenient software downloads and installation and increase the longevity of the equipment.
6. Ensure It Can Handle Debit Transactions
Some customers might prefer paying by debit. For this purpose, you will need a credit card machine with a built-in PIN keypad. You can also consider a separate PIN keypad which your customers can access easily while keeping the credit card processing equipment out of reach.
7. Get An Imprinter As A Backup
This could prove useful in case your store or business establishment loses power or phone service. You can still continue to do business even if you are in the field processing customer transactions.
For more great credit card machine related articles and resources check out
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By John Morris
The credit card is preferred by most people when paying for purchases and services because of its safety, security and ease of use. The use of credit cards is growing exponentially fueled by the growth of e-commerce and the increasing usage of credit cards in business-to-business transactions. Accepting credit cards in a business has many advantages. Not only will it help expand your consumer base, it will also provide an easier and more convenient alternative to paying by cash or check. When you accept credit cards, funds can be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. If you are planning to sell online, accepting credit cards is a necessity.
Credit card processing equipments essential to any business, especially in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. In whatever business, the exploding use of credit cards and debit cards necessitates an investment on a reliable and secure credit card machine. There are a number of companies you can consider when shopping for a credit card processor such as banks, third party credit card processors, independent sales organizations, financial service providers and associations. Inquire about credit card processing equipment and make an informed choice when you decide to purchase.
I. Pervasive Technology
Credit card machines are being used extensively in almost every store and restaurant. These equipments are of great help to businesses as they process credit cards efficiently and securely. There is a huge variety of credit card processing equipment available in the market today and picking the right one appropriate for your business can be a challenge. If you are in the market for a credit card processing equipment, there are some simple tips you can follow to help you find the perfect credit card machine that will serve your intended purpose excellently. With the plethora of credit card machine options available, you might find it hard to decide on what credit card machine to buy. Here’s a simple guide to buying a credit card machine.
II. Buying Advice:
1. Buy, Don't Lease
Credit card machines are not really that costly, usually at the $100-$1000 price range. Consider a credit card machine as a worthwhile investment in your business. Although, there are credit card machine leases available from some merchant account providers. Leasing a credit card terminal may cost you much more in the long run than buying your own unit.
2. Get Battery Backup
Be prepared for any eventuality. In case your store or business establishment experiences a power interruption, you would still want to be able to process customer transactions. Buy a credit card machine with a reliable backup battery to ensure that you can continue to do business even when you lose electrical power.
3. Purchase A Credit Card Machine With A Fast Modem
Credit cards are supposed to make transactions faster and more convenient. Thus, a fast modem that can send data and authorize transactions quickly is a top requirement in a credit card machine. You might shell out more for a credit card machine with a 9600-baud modem, but it is worth the money and our customers will definitely appreciate it too.
4. Ensure It Can Handle Smart Cards
Smart cards are becoming increasingly popular and are considered the future of credit cards. Smart cards include credit, debit, and other information in a card with a microchip in it instead of a magnetic stripe.
5. Flash Memory Is Recommended
For better functionality, choose a credit card machine that use flash memory to store the operating software. This will allow for convenient software downloads and installation and increase the longevity of the equipment.
6. Ensure It Can Handle Debit Transactions
Some customers might prefer paying by debit. For this purpose, you will need a credit card machine with a built-in PIN keypad. You can also consider a separate PIN keypad which your customers can access easily while keeping the credit card processing equipment out of reach.
7. Get An Imprinter As A Backup
This could prove useful in case your store or business establishment loses power or phone service. You can still continue to do business even if you are in the field processing customer transactions.
For more great credit card machine related articles and resources check out
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