Friday, May 11, 2007

Credit Card Machines

Turn Your Website Into An E-Commerce Ready, Money Making Machine
By Jim Hart

If you are setting up a website or contemplating doing so to sell products or services, you will need to be able to accept all major credit cards to maximize your selling ability and chances for success. The monthly merchant fees associated with accepting credit cards can be costly whether you make sales or not, when using a bank for your merchant account/credit card processor. If you have ever filed bankruptcy or have bad credit, getting a merchant account with a bank is nearly impossible. So what do you do?

The answer is simple: get Pay Pal merchant account. Pay Pal is by far the most widely recognized online processor for e-commerce transactions and is the primary processor for Ebay sales. While there are other online credit processors like Click Bank and others, Pay Pal overshadows them all.

The nice thing about Pay Pal is the sheer volume of people that have Pay pal accounts set up for Ebay who do cruise and shop the Internet. Pay pal, while not flawless, uses 128 but encryption offering the highest level of online security for both buyers and sellers. The seamless integration of the pay pal e-commerce function allows people to conduct transactions over a secure server right at your site without leaving. A number of automated tools provide for redirection anywhere you want the customer to go on your site after they complete their purchase. It is simply the fastest and easiest way to get your e-commerce site up and running quickly and easily.

We chose Pay Pal for our site because it was the most cost affordable solution to accepting payments from our customers with the highest level of security for both them and us. After comparing the cost of a traditional merchant account with a bank including monthly fees, activity fees, transaction fees, terminal fees, online fees, etc, it was a no-brainer to go with Pay Pal. Why? Well, the service is as good, if not better and there is NO cost UNTIL a purchase is completed—and then the transaction fee is like 2.5% or so of the transaction which is a really affordable and easy solution to a complicated problem for some.

If you are interested in seeing how the Pay Pal system functions, you can visit our site by clicking the link below, go to the product page and click on any BUY NOW button shown. You don’t have to complete the purchase but it will give you a good demonstration of the seamless quality of Pay Pal. Keep in mind that I am neither trying to hump product and I do not have any affiliation with Pay Pal. I am simply passing our experience with the system to you.

Another thing new webmasters should consider is that making online sales is tough unless you are doing a substantial amount of advertising and marketing to drive traffic to your website. It makes no sense whatsoever to pay monthly fees to a bank until your site traffic and sales justify doing so and even then, the need for a bank is questionable. If you are moving say, 1000 units a month, then you may want to consider a bank for volumes of transactions and record keeping, auditing, etc. If not, Pay Pal is the answer. Screw the banks—they are doing nothing more than Pay Pal is and it requires a whole lot more site engineering to install their e-commerce function on your site.

To your unwavering success!

Copyright © 2006 James W. Hart, IV All Rights Reserved

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Article Source:,-Money-Making-Machine&id=347323

Have you been denied a merchant account at banks? Don't want to pay the ridiculous fees associated with accepting credit cards? Do you have poor credit? Bankruptcy? Frustrated with all the complicated technical mumbo-jumbo of e-commerce? If you are looking for a fast, effective, secure, reliable and easy to install e-commerce system, this article is for YOU.

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